Enhance your flying experience with our RSIM-530. You'll sharp your IFR skills with this top quality, high fidelity bezel for the Garmin GNS-530. Configure routes, set frequencies and load procedures much faster like in real flight.
Dimensions: 160mm / 120mm / 40mm
Base Support and Cables Included
3D Printed Materials
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
X-Plane 10 / 11 / 12
Product Out of Stock
RSIM-530 is developed to provide a high fidelity experience for General Aviation flight simulation.
Compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, X-Plane 10, 11 and 12 and also with P3D, by just installing the client application. No need to use third party apps and assigning keys to specific functions.
Fly IFR procedures with a higher level of realism, switch radio frequencies like in a real flight and master RNAV procedures.
HOW IT WORKSRSIM-530 works together with you flight simulator, so that all the flight simulator GNS-530 functions is transferred to the real device. What you will need is just connecting a HDMI interface of your video graphics card into your device and connect a USB cable as well. R-SIMULATION plugin detects automatically you connected device and you can start using.